Welcome To All Fur Love Pet Care

Our Services

All Fur Love Pet Care is the Purrrfect answer for:

Pet visits

When you are working long hours, or traveling, we will come to your home and care for your pet. We will continue their daily routine according to your daily instructions.

Small white dog with his paws in the front
White dog

Mid-day dog walking

If you work far away, and cannot walk your pet, we will come to your home and take your dog on a relaxing walk. Walking your dog for at least 30 minutes a day will alleviate stress and bad behavior in dogs.

Cat minding

Although somewhat aloof, cats need special love and care as well. We will come to your home and feed your cat and interact with it so you can worry less.

Cage-free pet boarding

If your pet does not like boarding with cages, we offer the perfect solution. Your pet will be free to roam around and it will eliminate the stress of boarding kennels.

Emergency pet taxi

If you are stuck traveling or at work, we can pick your pet up from your home, and transport them to your desired location. We are available 24/7/365.

House sitting services

While we are caring for your pet, let us care for your home as well! We will pick up mail, perform security checks, pick up your pet waste, and more!

Pet Accessories

eXtreme Dog Fence doesn’t just sell electric dog fence products. They have a wide variety of pet fence wire, pet doors, and pet accessories.